Antitrust / competition law disputes
From antitrust violations to the diesel scandal – we develop process strategies and economic solutions that enable damaged companies or consumers to successfully enforce their claims against large corporations.
For the complex damage calculations, we work closely with the leading competitive economists in Germany.
We think entrepreneurially. By bundling claims, we can also offer solutions for smaller companies that are attractive under cost / risk considerations.
Under the leadership of Attorney-at-law Dr. Rainer Gith and his team we currently represent the legal interests of more than 30 cities and several hundred companies in the so-called “truck cartel”.
Possible car Kartell:
The EU tightened its investigation on the potential car cartel of BMW, Daimler, VW, Audi and Porsche in September 2018. The suspicion: collusion in emission control systems. If the EU Commission finally comes to the conclusion that BMW, Daimler, Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche have actually agreed unlawfully, companies and consumers are likely to be entitled to claim for damages.

Dr. Rainer Gith
CLP Rechtsanwälte
Gith, Weßling und Partner mbB
Niederkasseler Lohweg 18
40547 Düsseldorf
Dr. Rainer Gith
Phone +49 (0)211 – 50 66 66 7-0